Thursday, March 12, 2020

Literacy rate by country on approximately late 19th century

Please note that servey year or estimated year is not unified because of the era that Census or Accurate investigation is not implemented.

[East Asia]

Japan : 27.5-30%
An Esitimated figures by Ronald Philip Dore.
In his book, "I think that perhaps around 1870, 40-45% of males and 15% of females in each age group had some knowledge of Japanese literacy and some knowledge of home country's history and geography."
*Source : 『学歴社会 新しい文明病』 P.55,  R.P.ドーア (Japanese)

Ch'ing China : 16-27.5%
An Esitimated figures by Sakakida Rawski.
in her book, "during eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ... (ellipsis) ...perhaps 30 to 45 percent of males and only 2 to 10 percent of females possessing some ability to read and write."
*Source : 『Education and Popular Literacy in Ch'ing China』P.23, Evelyn Sakakida Rawski, 1979

Joseon Dynasty(Korea) : 16-20%
The author's Esitimated figures based on Census by Governor-General of Korea(1930).
(AS of 1930, about 20% of Korean over 60 years had possessed some ability to read and write Hangul.) 
*Source : 『朝鮮国勢調査報告. 昭和5年 全鮮編 第1卷 結果表』,  国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション, Frame number 63 (Japanese)

Reference page is here.


All source of European countries' figures is Carlo M. Cipolla.
『読み書きの社会史 文盲から文明へ』, カルロ M.チポラ, 統計補遺のP.2(Japanese)

Servey year is 1850.

Servey year is 1849.

England, Wales:67-70%
Servey year is 1851.

Servey year is 1851.

Servey year is 1857.

Servey year is unknown. 
In my opinion, it seems too low, but is the North-South disparity affecting?

Servey year is 1850.
I was surprised that it was too low. However, a report from the Iwakura Mission to Saint Petersburg visit that "only the aristocracy's palace is fine, but otherwise dreary", which is consistent with the fact that serfdom is still strong.


United States : 80%
Figures by the U.S. Census(1870).
White 88%, Non-White 20%.
*Source : 『読み書きの社会史 文盲から文明へ』, カルロ M.チポラ, P.83(Japanese)

Mexico : 20%
Esitimated year is about 1910.
*Source : 『概説メキシコ史』, 有斐閣選書, P.100(Japanese)

Sevey year is 1927, Males 17.4%,  Females 4.7%.
*Source : 『近代中東・イスラーム世界におけるプリント・メディアの歴史と構造』P2, 平野淳一, 情報処理学会研究報告(Japanese)

Sevey year is 1927, Males 13%, Females 1%.
*Source : Same as above, page 5

Servey year is 1881.
*Source : A students' history of education in India (1800–1973), SYED NURULLAH, J. P. NAIK